marți, 3 noiembrie 2015

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

This Wild Wolf Just Wanted To Be One Of The Dogs

Posted: 03 Nov 2015 01:37 PM PST

In 2003, Alaskan wildlife photographer Nick Jans wash shocked when his family was approached by a wild wolf. But he quickly figured out that the wolf just wanted to play like the rest of the dogs.

Man Gets Seated Next To His Doppelganger On A Flight

Posted: 03 Nov 2015 12:48 PM PST

Neil Douglas met his doppelganger when he was seated next to him on a flight going from Stansted to Galway recently. The two had a good laugh over how similar they look and after they discovered that they were also staying at the same hotel, they decided to hang out and get a drink together.

This Swedish Dude Is Leonardo DiCaprio’s Real Life Doppelganger

Posted: 03 Nov 2015 11:44 AM PST

21 year old Swedish man Konrad Annerud has been getting a lot of attention lately after the Internet noticed he looks almost identical to Leonardo DiCaprio. It's not hard to see why people say that, Konrad Annerud's face makes him look like a version of Leonardo DiCaprio that stepped out of a time warp.

Leonardo DiCaprio, 1996

Source: instagram

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