duminică, 18 august 2013

Seth's Blog : Mirrors, cameras and cultural evolution


Mirrors, cameras and cultural evolution

It's safe to say that everyone reading this has seen an accurate reflection in a mirror. Everyone you know has seen their face in a mirror as well.

A thousand years ago (a nanosecond in evolutionary time) virtually no one had.

Mirrors are a big deal. Elephants and primates have been shown to be able to recognize themselves in a mirror, and the idea of self-image is one of the cornerstones of our culture. Hard to imagine walking through the world without knowing what you look like.

Fascinating aside: When we see a famous person in the mirror, our perception changes.

I hope we can agree that in 2013, anyone who gets uncomfortable around mirrors, who says mirrors aren't their thing, who tries to avoid a job where they might see a mirror--that person is a bit outside the mainstream.

Cameras are mirrors, but unlike the momentary glimpse of the traditional mirror, they are permanent, and now the web amplifies them. Do you see how many people pose for snapshots? The unnatural posture, the fake smile... there's anxiety here, and it's because unlike seeing ourselves in the mirror, we're being captured, forever. Multiply this fear by the million people who might see this photo on Instagram...

No one gets tense in front of mirrors any longer. Experienced professionals don't get tense in front of cameras, either.

It probably used to be okay to say, "mirrors freak me out," or to assert that they contained demons. No longer. It certainly wasn't uncommon for cultures to resist cameras at first, and to take the phrase, "take a picture," quite literally. This resistance is also dying out and almost gone.

And yet... And yet we still freeze up when someone takes a picture, we hold our breaths before we go on stage, we give away our deepest insecurities when someone puts us on video...

Mirrors and cameras each took a generation or more to catch on as widespread foundations of our culture. It's not surprising, then, that so many people fear social media. It's about us, and when we're on the hook, in front of people we can't know or trust, we hold back.

For a while.

And then we don't.


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sâmbătă, 17 august 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Tweedle Dum vs. Tweedle Dee; Does Janet Yellen Have What It Takes?

Posted: 17 Aug 2013 02:48 PM PDT

The battle over the next Fed chairman is on. Will it be Janet Yellen or Larry Summers?

The Washington Post comments "Janet Yellen called the housing bust and has been mostly right on jobs", asking Does she have what it takes to lead the Fed?

Don't bother reading the article. And don't bother reading any of the equally ridiculous pro-Summers articles you can easily find.

For starters, it is highly likely that President Obama has already made up his mind. He is pretending there is a choice to be made when there is really no choice unless some political event forces a change in direction between now and the announcement.

The supporters of Yellen cite her focus on jobs. The supporters of Larry Summers cite his crisis management skills.

The detractors of Yellen cite her even-more-dovish-than-Bernanke monetary stance. The detractors of Larry Summers question his crisis management skills.

I suggest Summers has a proven track record of crisis management due to his proven track record of causing them, hardly a ringing endorsement for Fed chairman. 

The Detractors Win

The detractors win both sides. Neither Yellen nor Summers is qualified. In fact, there is not a single person who would take the job that is qualified. There should not be a Fed at all.

The idea that a group of economic wonks can sit down and micromanage the economy to health is preposterous. Central bank clowns have proven time and time again they have no idea what the interest rate should be.

A massive bubble in dotcom stocks followed by a massive bubble in housing is proof enough. And this Fed on which Yellen sits has triggered asset bubbles in stocks and bonds and she cannot even see it.

Crisis Management Needed

Curiously, lots of analysis suggest we do not need Larry Summers because there is not going to be another crisis.

Rest assured there will be another crisis, and much sooner than most think. But that does not make Summers qualified. His role is to help create crises, not stop them.

Tweedle Dum vs. Tweedle Dee

The only candidate that makes sense is the candidate who will set a target date to end the Fed. Unfortunately, no such candidate is on the short list.

The choice is between Tweedle-Dee who rates to slosh money around even more than Bernanke in a futile effort to create jobs, and Tweedle-Dum who will do whatever Wall Street wants.

Practically speaking, is there really a difference?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

US Car Makers Crank Out Cars Around the Clock; Who is Buying the Cars?

Posted: 17 Aug 2013 11:37 AM PDT

US car makers are cranking out cars three shifts a day. The goal is to run plants around the clock, 365 days a year, even eliminating breaks.

Please consider Open All Night: America's Car Factories.
Nearly 40% of car factories in North America now operate on work schedules that push production well past 80 hours a week, compared with 11% in 2008, said Ron Harbour, a senior partner with the Oliver Wyman Inc. management consulting firm.

"There has never been a time in the U.S. industry that we've had this high a level of capacity utilization," he said.

But fresh from a near-death experience during the recession, auto makers are reluctant to put money into bricks, mortar and machinery that could become a drag on profits if car sales fall. Volkswagen new $1 billion Chattanooga, Tenn., factory recently cut 500 workers after sales of its new Passat sedan swooned.

Through a series of agreements negotiated with the United Auto Workers union, the Detroit Three now can schedule work at night and on weekends without paying as much in overtime as they would have in the past. Adding a third shift, as many plants have done, also reduces overtime. Overtime pay also starts after 40 hours a week, not after eight hours a day as in the past. On top of those savings, a newly hired Big Three factory worker now earns about $15 an hour versus $28 an hour for veteran workers, under postrecession labor pacts.

Toledo factory managers recently changed break schedules to squeeze out even more production. Instead of shutting down the assembly line eight times a day for routine breaks, they have hired extra workers to fill in during breaks, so the line doesn't stop running.

GM is running six of its U.S. plants through the night on three-shift schedules. Last year, GM produced 3.24 million vehicles in North America compared with 4.52 million in 2007—when it had five more assembly factories.

Ford has gone a step further, adding a fourth crew of workers at some engine and transmission plants to keep those factories running 152 hours out of the 168 hours in a week.

The techniques have helped expand production by 600,000 vehicles during the past 15 months—the equivalent of about three assembly plants, says James Tetreault, Ford's vice president of North America manufacturing. Ford doesn't plan to build a new North American assembly plant, he says.

"In an ideal world, we'd like all our plants to run around the clock, 365 days a year," says Mr. Tetreault. "That would be a financial dream. But we don't know how to do that yet."
Who is Buying Cars?

So who is buying new cars? It's not millennials struggling to find a job, loaded up in student debt and delaying family formation.

The Wall Street Journal reports Who's Buying 'Youth' Cars? Seniors.
In recent years, auto makers have developed a bevy of pint-size models like the Chevy Sonic, Fiat, Ford Fiesta and Kia Soul, and promoted them using social-media, music festival sponsorships, and in some cases, daredevil stunts. To hype the new Chevy Sonic, General Motors Co. filmed the subcompact parachuting out of a plane for an online campaign aimed squarely at 18-to-30-year-olds.

But the largest customers for these cars, about 42% of buyers this year through May, are closer to retirement age, according to registration data compiled by car-shopping website Edmunds.com. The proportion is up from just 29% five years ago.

Meantime, the percentage of 18- to 34-year-olds buying new subcompact cars fell to 12% through May, down from 17% in 2008, according to registration data.

Of course, 50 and 60-somethings are some of the biggest buyers of all cars.

"The baby boomer generation is the largest cohort in the marketplace," Kia's Mr. Sprague said. "Just by virtue of their numbers being so large, we'll continue to see them skew the data for a long time."

Last year, buyers 55 and older accounted for more than 40% of all new car sales, up from 33% in 2008 while buyers between the ages of 18 and 34 represented only 12% of new-car purchases. And that is down from 14% five years ago, according to Edmunds.com.

Auto makers' big prize is the "Millennial Generation"—that group of consumers in their 20s and 30s whose numbers could rival the postwar baby boom that has dominated the auto market for decades.
Millennial Generation "Big Prize"

As more and more seniors stay employed longer (because they have to),  the demand for cars has kept pace. I keep wondering how long that can last. The average age of those working at fast-food restaurants is telling.

There is no pent-up demand that I can see, at least in the age group of those buying.

Auto makers are targeting the big prize, the millennial generation, and curiously even youth cars are not going to the youth. And I do not think they will.

The generation of millennials is nowhere near as big as the boomers, and as a class, the millennials are struggling in low-pay jobs (if they can find work at all), and burdened down in student debt to boot.

And look at the pay differential of the car makers: $15 an hour for new workers versus $28 an hour for veteran workers.

Most importantly, a secular shift in attitudes towards cars and debt have changed. Millennials are not boomers nor do they have boomer attitudes. Carmakers should enjoy the boom while it lasts. The "big prize" is not around the corner.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Working to Implement the Affordable Care Act

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Working to Implement the Affordable Care Act

In this week’s address, President Obama says we are on the way to fully implementing the Affordable Care Act and helping millions of Americans.

Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch this week's Weekly Address.

  Top Stories

West Wing Week: 08/16/13 or "Summer Mailbag: A Break from Tradition"

This week, we broke from tradition a bit and took to our social media networks to ask our followers about what they would like to know about everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


The AGOA Forum: Promoting Sustainable Growth in Africa through Trade and Technology

U.S. Trade Representative Mike Froman and senior members of the President’s economic team joined trade ministers, civil society, and business leaders from across sub-Saharan Africa in Ethiopia for the AGOA Forum.


One Year Anniversary of Implementation of Deferred Action Policy for DREAMers

One year ago, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) began implementing a policy that makes our immigration system more representative of our values as a nation.



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Seth's Blog : The self-defeating quest for simple and easy


The self-defeating quest for simple and easy

Bullet points, step by step processes that are guaranteed to work overnight, proven shortcuts...

If it was easy, everyone would do it.

Worth noting that surgeons don't sign up for medical school because they're told that there is a simple, easy way to do open heart surgery.

It's not that we're unable to handle complicated problems, it's that we're afraid to try. The Dummies mindset, the get-rich-quick long sales letters, the mechanistic, industrial processes aren't on offer because they're the best we can handle. No, they sell because they promise to reduce our fear.

It will take you less time and less effort to do it the difficult way than it will to buy and try and discard all the shortcuts.


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vineri, 16 august 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

China Releases "Willfully Fraudulent" Inflation and GDP Data

Posted: 16 Aug 2013 06:45 PM PDT

It's easy to make a case that GDP data everywhere is fraudulent because of the definition which includes government deficit spending, regardless of how ridiculous or useless the spending is. However, China takes the distortions to a level well beyond other countries.

Please consider Dodgy data may add $1 trillion to Chinese economy.
China may be exaggerating the size of its economy to the tune of $1 trillion by releasing "willfully fraudulent" inflation and GDP [gross domestic product] data, according to a study out this week.

Numbers from the world's second largest economy are treated with skepticism by some economists, but this latest report has attempted to quantify the scale of discrepancy.

"There is strong evidence indicating that the rate of real Chinese GDP growth, and ultimately total real GDP, may be significantly over stated," said Christopher Balding, associate professor at Peking University's HSBC Business School, and the report's author.

Through "significant and systematic irregularities", official estimates overstate China's true GDP by 8 to 12 percent, or $1 trillion, according to Balding.

In particular, the report focused on housing inflation data, which is one of the biggest items in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). China's booming economy has caused people to migrate from rural areas to the expanding cities, causing house prices to rocket in industrialised areas. Yet official statistics showed rural house prices increasing more than those in urban areas, said Balding.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics China, the price of private housing in rural areas grew at 1.67 percent per year on average, more than three times faster than prices in urban areas, which averaged 0.53 percent.

In addition, official statistics suggest the price of private housing in China rose by a very modest 8.14% over the 11-year period, despite a housing market boom and a quintupling in nominal GDP.

"The claim that the housing component of CPI grew by less than 10 percent between 2000 and 2011 is nothing less than comical," Professor Balding wrote.

Housing and the CPI

On many occasions I have commented on the distortions of housing and the CPI. The same holds true in the US. For example, please consider ...

As in the US, China does not directly include housing prices in the CPI. I believe housing prices should be in the CPI.

Ignoring asset bubbles is ridiculous, just as the US proved.

Regardless, it is preposterous to presume "the price of private housing in rural areas grew at 1.67 percent per year on average, more than three times faster than prices in urban areas, which averaged 0.53 percent."

Moreover, and unlike other countries, China includes money that is allocated an not even spent. Chinese electricity usage reports are questionable to say the least.

Is Chinese GDP distorted? Of course. GDP everywhere is so distorted as to be useless, but China is at the head of the list.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Minimizing ObamaPain: Economic Distortions at the 50-Employee Margin

Posted: 16 Aug 2013 10:54 AM PDT

In response to Is Obamacare Really Responsible for Rise in Part-Time Employment? If So, Why Doesn't Average Weekly Hours Show Just That? I received an interesting email from a reader "Robert" who owned a family business with close to 50 employees.
Hello Mish

Having been in a family steel fabricating business for eight years, I can tell you that rather than take on new employees, we always added hours rather than employees when things were active.  We ran for years with 42 employees through good times and bad. Even though we sold the business about 6 years ago, I can tell you that if I were still running things today, rather than go over 50 employees, my decision would have been to add overtime hours to meet higher demand. This increase in hours would have tended to offset the trend in some other industries to cut hours to less than 30 hrs/week leading to the observed flat trend of Average Weekly Hours in data provided by the BLS.
Minimizing ObamaPain

And so it goes. Some industries hire temps, some increase hours (especially companies near 50 workers), and some reduce hours and hire more workers.

The net effect has been a huge shift towards hiring more part-time workers, but the distortions are not uniform.

Everyone does what they can to minimize ObamaPain

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Losing Faith in Gold at the Wrong Time; Did Paulson's Sale Mark the Bottom? Who's Left to Sell?

Posted: 16 Aug 2013 09:08 AM PDT

Bloomberg, frequently a fount of anti-gold propaganda came out with a pair of articles on Wednesday, worth a read primarily from a contrarian point of view.

Gold Bull Paulson Cuts SPDR Stake by Half in Bear Market

Bloomberg reports Gold Bull Paulson Cuts SPDR Stake by Half in Bear Market
Billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson, who told investors as recently as last month that they should own gold, cut his holdings in the metal by more than half as prices plunged into a bear market.

Paulson & Co., the largest investor in the SPDR Gold Trust, the biggest exchange-traded product for the metal, pared its stake to 10.2 million shares in the three months ended June 30 from 21.8 million at the end of the first quarter, according to a government filing yesterday. The New York-based firm, which manages $18 billion, cut its ownership for the first time since 2011 "due to a reduced need for hedging," according to an e-mailed response to questions.

Billionaires George Soros and Daniel Loeb sold their entire SPDR stakes in the past quarter, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings showed.

At an investor conference on July 17, Paulson affirmed a commitment to investing in the metal and stocks of producers to hedge against currency debasement as central banks pump money into economies. The firm didn't provide additional comment yesterday on its SPDR stake. The hedge fund made $15 billion for investors in 2007 by betting against subprime mortgages before the housing

Money managers cut their bullish gold bets by 27 percent to 48,103 futures and options in the week ended Aug. 6, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission data show on Aug. 9. The net-long positions dropped 76 percent since early October.

David Einhorn's Greenlight Capital Inc. sold its entire stake of 1.97 million shares in Barrick, the largest producer of the metal, in the second quarter, a government filing showed yesterday. Jonathan Gasthalter, a spokesman, declined to comment.

"Confidence in gold is rattled over the short term, and we saw rotation of funds out of gold into equities that continue to march higher," Scott Gardner, who helps manage $400 million at Verdmont Capital SA in Panama City, said in a telephone interview.
Who's Left to Sell?

With all that selling, some might wonder "Who's Left to Sell?" The answer might not be what you think at first glance.

Since someone has to own the assets at any point in time, there is still someone left to sell. There always is. However, from a sentiment standpoint, high profile gold supporters dumping their stash en masse is what it takes to make a bottom.

Losing Faith in Gold at the Wrong Time

Bloomberg poured it on with a sappy report Losing Faith in Gold From Ghana to Vancouver Proves Rout.

The article starts off with a video "Crime Hits Ghana Mining Town Amid Gold Decline". In a second video, Bloomberg's Niki O'Callaghan reports on gold's decline from its 2011 peak, which has ravaged markets and livelihoods around the world.

Here are a few clips from the article.
Gold's swift fall, including two days in April when it plunged the most since 1980, has ravaged hopes and livelihoods around the world -- from the 1 million miners in Ghana who scour in the dirt, to thousands of executives and geologists at mining exploration firms that are running out of cash in Vancouver. Gone too are jobs for auditors, bankers and analysts in the finance capitals of Toronto and London. Investors who bet big and lost are shifting assets elsewhere and scaling back retirement plans.

"The foundation for gold has eroded," said Edward Lashinski, the Chicago-based director of global strategy for futures trading at RBC Capital Markets LLC. "Capital can be deployed much more effectively in other enterprises that actually see a return."

The drop frustrates ordinary and sophisticated investors alike. John Paulson, the New York hedge fund manager noted for making $15 billion with a bet against the U.S. housing market in 2007, told investors in February 2012 that gold would be his next triumph. His gold fund lost 59 percent through July this year, according to a person familiar with the results. The University of Texas Investment Management Co. -- whose advisers include Dallas hedge fund manager Kyle Bass, also known for a winning housing gamble -- has seen a gold hoard once valued at $1.5 billion decline by more than $400 million.

'Trash Bags'

"We're holding trash bags," said Philip Mann, 53, who with his wife put about $160,000, half their retirement savings, into gold and silver coins starting in 2009. They're now worth at least 40 percent less, including sales mark-ups, he said. The drop forced him to cash out a 401(k) retirement plan, losing money to penalties. It also drained resources for two sons' college bills and the planned purchase of a new home, said Mann, a retail supply-chain manager in Portland, Tennessee.

"Gold is still a bubble," said Ronald Wildmann, managing director of Basinvest AG in Zurich, which manages 100 million Swiss francs ($107 million).
Sappy Bloomberg Reporting

Pray tell how can a decline in gold force anyone to cash out their 401K, losing additional money to penalties? The answer is "It can't".

The real story is Mann put money he needed for other purposes into a speculative bet at the wrong time. That byline is not remotely newsworthy.

The same thing happened with housing in 2005 and with equities in 2007. And with all the equity bulls and their absurd faith in the Fed, it is going to happen again with equities.

More Bloomberg Propaganda

Want some additional anti-gold propaganda courtesy of Bloomberg? If so, please consider a 13-segment slideshow on "The Real Cost of Owning Gold"

Did Paulson's Sale Mark the Bottom?

I think so, and so does Pater Tenebrarum at the Acting Man blog in his article Gold and Gold Stocks Update – John Paulson Sells GLD
Paulson & Co. – a Victim of Redemptions?

Today news hit that John Paulson has finally sold a big chunk of his position in GLD. It is not terribly surprising that this happened in the quarter when gold made its low. After Paulson sold his holdings in bank stocks, the group soared, with many of the stocks he had sold at the lows rising by 200% and more thereafter. However, this time it has probably less to do with his bad timing, but very likely more with the bad timing of investors in his funds.

As the Bloomberg article mentions: "Paulson & Co., the largest investor in the SPDR Gold Trust, the biggest exchange-traded product for the metal, pared its stake to 10.2 million shares in the three months ended June 30 from 21.8 million at the end of the first quarter, according to a government filing yesterday. The New York-based firm, which manages $18 billion, cut its ownership for the first time since 2011 due to a reduced need for hedging, according to an e-mailed response to questions."

A friend reminded us that Paulson & Co. runs many funds that are denominated in gold. Any redemptions from these funds would therefore reduce the need for hedging. So it seems that Paulson's investors have cut their exposure to the gold denominated versions of his funds at exactly the wrong moment. This is actually something that always tends to happen near market lows.

Apparently a number of other prominent hedge funds, including the Soros fund, also cut their exposure in the second quarter. So far they have all been wrong twice: first by holding on until the lows were made, and then by selling just as the market reversed and a rally started.

As a matter of fact, we think it is a good thing these investors are gone. They were all late-comers to the gold bull market and their involvement has essentially proved to be a curse rather than a blessing. In fact, one should probably begin to get careful once they decide to get involved again, which is bound to happen at some point. In the meantime, these latest news may well contribute to a developing 'wall of worry' backdrop.
Bloomberg Slant

Via email, Tenebrarum had this comment regarding Soros selling his gold: "Bloomberg is not telling you everything. When Soros sold the positions they are talking about (which by the way is old news regurgitated), he concurrently bought a huge position in call options on GDXJ - an investment that was far greater than what he sold."

Comment on Paulson's Sale

The one thing upsetting about Paulson's gold sale is the fact that he dumped his gold even though "he told investors as recently as last month that they should own gold".

If this was purposeful, I consider it unethical. The other possibility is redemptions forced the sale. Of course both could be true.

The Bottom?

Only in hindsight will we know if Paulson selling marks the bottom, but I sure like my chances here with all the bears coming out of the woodwork in praise of equities and trashing gold.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Women Turn an Old Bus into a Nice Home

Posted: 16 Aug 2013 09:19 AM PDT

Two friends from Israel bought an old bus and turned it into a stylish home.

Val Kilmer's Transformation into Mark Twain

Posted: 16 Aug 2013 09:09 AM PDT

Val Kilmer transforms into Mark Twain for 'Citizen Twain,' a one-man play he wrote. He directs and acts in the play himself.

What It Takes to Be a Photographer

Posted: 16 Aug 2013 08:56 AM PDT

50 Insane Facts about Canada [Infographic]

Posted: 16 Aug 2013 06:47 AM PDT

From secret underground labs to UFO landing pads, Canada can be a weird, wild and wonderful place. It has amazing scenery and has the world's largest population of polar bears. Our infographic has more crazy facts about this wacky country.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via cheapflights.ca

Most Ridiculous Drunk News Headlines Ever

Posted: 15 Aug 2013 08:56 PM PDT