duminică, 29 august 2010

Live-blogging (okay live-waving) Day 1 of Google I/O Keynote

Live-blogging (okay live-waving) Day 1 of Google I/O Keynote: "

Okay, I’m going to try live-blogging the keynote of Google I/O, but I’m doing it with a twist. I’m going to try live-blogging in Google Wave with some other folks.

Watch the live-stream video at http://www.youtube.com/user/GoogleDevelopers by the way.

Lots of folks will be live-blogging or waving. Here is a different live wave with Gina Trapani, Kevin Marks, Leo Laporte, and Adam Pash, for example.

Danny Sullivan will be live-blogging the keynote over on Search Engine Land. I believe that Tom Krazit is live-blogging the keynote for CNET too.

Here goes my live-wave:


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